print 'Trying to open web browser with documentation at this address...'
print '\t' + url
import webbrowser
print '...could not open a browser window.'
def evt(e,val):
def bevt(e):
if GLOBAL_PREFS['realtime_update'].val:
do_tree_generate(0,0) # values dont matter
if e == EVENT_EXIT:
def gui():
rect = BPyWindow.spaceRect()
but_width = int((rect[2]-MARGIN*2)/4.0) # 72
# Clamp
if but_width>100: but_width = 100
but_height = 17
xtmp = x
PREFS['do_twigs_fill'] = Draw.Toggle('Fill Twigs',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_twigs_fill'].val, 'Generate child branches based existing branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_twigs_fill'].val:
PREFS['twig_fill_levels'] = Draw.Number('Generations', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_levels'].val, 1, 32, 'How many generations to make for filled twigs'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_rand_scale'] = Draw.Number('Randomize Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_rand_scale'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize twig scale from the bounding mesh'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
PREFS['twig_fill_radius_min'] = Draw.Number('Min Radius', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_radius_min'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Radius at endpoints of all twigs'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_radius_factor'] = Draw.Number('Inherit Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_radius_factor'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'What attaching to branches, scale the radius by this value for filled twigs, 0.0 for fixed width twigs.'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
#PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'] = Draw.Number('Shape Type', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Shape used for the fork'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'] = Draw.Menu('Join Type%t|Even%x0|Smooth One Child%x1|Smooth Both Children%x2',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_type'].val, 'Select the wat twigs '); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_fork_angle_max'] = Draw.Number('Shape Max Ang', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_fork_angle_max'].val, 0.0, 180.0, 'Maximum fork angle'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_rand'] = Draw.Number('Shape Rand', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the shape of forks'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_fill_shape_power'] = Draw.Number('Shape Strength', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_fill_shape_power'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Strength of curves'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_twigs'] = Draw.Toggle('Grow Twigs',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_twigs'].val, 'Generate child branches based existing branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_twigs'].val:
PREFS['twig_ratio'] = Draw.Number('Twig Multiply', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_ratio'].val, 0.01, 500.0, 'How many twigs to generate per branch'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_select_mode'] = Draw.Menu('Branch Selection Method%t|From Short%x0|From Long%x1|From Straight%x2|From Bent%x3|',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_select_mode'].val, 'Select branches to use as twigs based on this attribute'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_select_factor'] = Draw.Number('From Factor', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_select_factor'].val, 0.0, 16, 'Select branches, lower value is more strict and will give you less variation'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_recursive'] = Draw.Toggle('Recursive Twigs',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_recursive'].val, 'Recursively add twigs into eachother'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_recursive_limit'] = Draw.Number('Generations', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_recursive_limit'].val, 0.0, 16, 'Number of generations allowed, 0 is inf'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_scale'] = Draw.Number('Twig Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_scale'].val, 0.01, 10.0, 'Scale down twigs in relation to their parents each generation'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_scale_width'] = Draw.Number('Twig Scale Width', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_scale_width'].val, 0.01, 20.0, 'Scale the twig length only (not thickness)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_random_orientation'] = Draw.Number('Rand Orientation', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_random_orientation'].val, 0.0, 360.0, 'Random rotation around the parent'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_random_angle'] = Draw.Number('Rand Angle', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_random_angle'].val, 0.0, 360.0, 'Random rotation to the parent joint'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_placement_maxradius'] = Draw.Number('Place Max Radius', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_placement_maxradius'].val, 0.0, 50.0, 'Only place twigs on branches below this radius'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['twig_placement_maxtwig'] = Draw.Number('Place Max Count', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['twig_placement_maxtwig'].val, 0.0, 50.0, 'Limit twig placement to this many per branch'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['twig_follow_parent'] = Draw.Number('ParFollow', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_parent'].val, 0.0, 10.0, 'Follow the parent branch'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['twig_follow_x'] = Draw.Number('Grav X', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_x'].val, -10.0, 10.0, 'Twigs gravitate on the X axis'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['twig_follow_y'] = Draw.Number('Grav Y', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_y'].val, -10.0, 10.0, 'Twigs gravitate on the Y axis'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['twig_follow_z'] = Draw.Number('Grav Z', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_follow_z'].val, -10.0, 10.0, 'Twigs gravitate on the Z axis'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'] = Draw.Toggle('Prune',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width_tmp, but_height, PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'].val, 'Prune twigs to the mesh object bounds'); xtmp += but_width_tmp;
if PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune'].val:
PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper'] = Draw.Number('Taper', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['twig_ob_bounds_prune_taper'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Taper pruned branches to a point'); xtmp += but_width;
#PREFS['image_main'] = Draw.String('IM: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*3, but_height, PREFS['image_main'].val, 64, 'Image to apply to faces'); xtmp += but_width*3;
#Draw.PushButton('Use Active', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, 'Get the image from the active image window', do_active_image); xtmp += but_width;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_leaf'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Leaves',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_leaf'].val, 'Generate leaves using duplifaces'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_leaf'].val:
PREFS['leaf_object'] = Draw.String('OB: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_object'].val, 64, 'Use this object as a leaf', do_ob_check); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_size'] = Draw.Number('Size', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_size'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'size of the leaf'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_size_rand'] = Draw.Number('Randsize', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_size_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'randomize the leaf size'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
# Dont use yet
PREFS['leaf_branch_limit'] = Draw.Number('Branch Limit', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_limit'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Maximum thichness where a branch can bare leaves, higher value to place leaves on bigger branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_limit_rand'] = Draw.Number('Limit Random', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_limit_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the allowed minimum branch width to place leaves'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_branch_density'] = Draw.Number('Density', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_density'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Chance each segment has of baring a leaf, use a high value for more leaves'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_angle'] = Draw.Number('Angle From Branch', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_angle'].val, 0.0, 90.0, 'angle the leaf is from the branch direction'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_rand_seed'] = Draw.Number('Random Seed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_rand_seed'].val, 0.0, 10000.0, 'Set the seed for leaf random values'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_angle'] = Draw.Number('Pitch Angle', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_angle'].val, -180, 180.0, 'Change the pitch rotation of leaves, negative angle to point down'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_rand'] = Draw.Number('Random Pitch', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_pitch_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the leaf rotation (up-down/pitch)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['leaf_branch_roll_rand'] = Draw.Number('Random Roll', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['leaf_branch_roll_rand'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the leaf rotation (roll/tilt/yaw)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_uv'].val == 0: but_width_tmp = but_width*2
PREFS['do_uv_uscale'] = Draw.Toggle('U-Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_uscale'].val, 'Scale the width according to the face size (will NOT tile)'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['do_uv_keep_vproportion'] = Draw.Toggle('V-Aspect', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_keep_vproportion'].val, 'Correct the UV aspect with the branch width'); xtmp += but_width;
PREFS['do_uv_vnormalize'] = Draw.Toggle('V-Normaize', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_uv_vnormalize'].val, 'Scale the UVs to fit onto the image verticaly'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['uv_x_scale'] = Draw.Number('Scale U', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['uv_x_scale'].val, 0.01, 10.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['uv_y_scale'] = Draw.Number('Scale V', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['uv_y_scale'].val, 0.01, 10.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['image_main'] = Draw.String('IM: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*3, but_height, PREFS['image_main'].val, 64, 'Image to apply to faces'); xtmp += but_width*3;
Draw.PushButton('Use Active', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, 'Get the image from the active image window', do_active_image); xtmp += but_width;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_material'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Material',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_material'].val, 'Create material and textures (for seamless joints)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_material'].val:
PREFS['material_use_existing'] = Draw.Toggle('ReUse Existing',EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['material_use_existing'].val, 'Modify the textures of the existing material'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xtmp = x
PREFS['material_texture'] = Draw.Toggle('Texture', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['material_texture'].val, 'Create an image texture for this material to use'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['material_stencil'] = Draw.Toggle('Blend Joints', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['material_stencil'].val, 'Use a 2 more texture and UV layers to blend the seams between joints'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_armature'].val == 0:
but_width_tmp = but_width*2
but_width_tmp = but_width*4
PREFS['do_armature'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Motion', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width_tmp, but_height, PREFS['do_armature'].val, 'Generate Armatuer animation and apply to branches'); xtmp += but_width_tmp;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_armature'].val:
xtmp = x
PREFS['do_anim'] = Draw.Toggle('Texture Anim', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_anim'].val, 'Use a texture to animate the bones'); xtmp += but_width*2;
if PREFS['do_anim'].val:
PREFS['anim_tex'] = Draw.String('TEX: ', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['anim_tex'].val, 64, 'Texture to use for the IPO Driver animation', do_tex_check); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['anim_speed'] = Draw.Number('Speed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['anim_speed'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'Animate the movement faster with a higher value'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['anim_magnitude'] = Draw.Number('Magnitude', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['anim_magnitude'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'Animate with more motion with a higher value'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['anim_offset_scale'] = Draw.Number('Unique Offset Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['anim_offset_scale'].val, 0.001, 10.0, 'Use the curve object location as input into the texture so trees have more unique motion, a low value is less unique'); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['anim_speed_size_scale'] = Draw.Toggle('Branch Size Scales Speed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['anim_speed_size_scale'].val, 'Use the branch size as a factor when calculating speed'); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['do_variation'] = Draw.Toggle('Generate Variation', EVENT_UPDATE_AND_UI, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_variation'].val, 'Create a variant by moving the branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
if PREFS['do_variation'].val:
PREFS['variation_seed'] = Draw.Number('Rand Seed', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['variation_seed'].val, 1, 100000, 'Change this to get a different variation'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
PREFS['variation_orientation'] = Draw.Number('Orientation', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['variation_orientation'].val, 0, 1.0, 'Randomize rotation of the branch around its parent'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['variation_scale'] = Draw.Number('Scale', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['variation_scale'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Randomize the scale of branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['seg_density'] = Draw.Number('Segment Spacing',EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, PREFS['seg_density'].val, 0.05, 10.0, 'Scale the limit points collapse, that are closer then the branch width'); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['seg_density_angle'] = Draw.Number('Angle Spacing', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_density_angle'].val, 0.0, 180.0, 'Segments above this angle will not collapse (lower value for more detail)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['seg_density_radius'] = Draw.Number('Radius Spacing', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_density_radius'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Segments above this difference in radius will not collapse (lower value for more detail)'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['seg_joint_compression'] = Draw.Number('Joint Width', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_joint_compression'].val, 0.1, 2.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'] = Draw.Number('Joint Smooth', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['seg_joint_smooth'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 'Edge loop spacing around branch join, lower value for less webed joins'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
PREFS['connect_sloppy'] = Draw.Number('Connect Limit',EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['connect_sloppy'].val, 0.1, 3.0, 'Strictness when connecting branches'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['connect_base_trim'] = Draw.Number('Joint Bevel', EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['connect_base_trim'].val, 0.0, 2.0, 'low value for a tight join, hi for a smoother bevel'); xtmp += but_width*2;
PREFS['do_subsurf'] = Draw.Toggle('SubSurf',EVENT_UPDATE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, PREFS['do_subsurf'].val, 'Enable subsurf for newly generated objects'); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Draw.PushButton('Read Active Prefs', EVENT_REDRAW, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, 'Read the ID Property settings from the active curve object', do_pref_read); xtmp += but_width*2;
Draw.PushButton('Write Prefs to Sel', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*2, but_height, 'Save these settings in the ID Properties of all selected curve objects', do_pref_write); xtmp += but_width*2;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Draw.PushButton('Clear Prefs from Sel', EVENT_NONE, xtmp, y, but_width*4, but_height, 'Remove settings from the selected curve aaobjects', do_pref_clear); xtmp += but_width*4;
xtmp = x
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Draw.PushButton('Exit', EVENT_EXIT, xtmp, y, but_width, but_height, ''); xtmp += but_width;